The connecting laterals between the main road running
from Greenfield in Franklin County to Stillwater Bridge and the Old Albany
Road, so-called, in Deerfield, at the Clarkdale Farms, so-called, in West
Deerfield, section of said Deerfield, forming two concave curves, respectively
to each other, shall be one-way streets; and upon said two laterals, vehicular
traffic will move only northward and northerly on the first said curved lateral,
that is to say, the west curve, and southward and southerly, on the second
of said two laterals, that is to say, on the east curve; and at the respective
entrances of said two short laterals, appropriate and suitable signs, shall
be erected and maintained, approved by the Board of Selectmen of the Town
of Deerfield, and having also the written approval of the Department of Public
Works of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and conforming to the standards
of the Department, facing the approaching drivers and operators of vehicles,
indicating to them that such streets are one-way streets, at the entrances
thereof; and at the corresponding ends of said laterals, appropriate and suitable
signs, and so approved, by the Selectmen and the Department, as aforesaid,
bearing warnings not to enter, so that approaching drivers and operators may
be reasonably apprised of the restriction.