§ 156-8. Permit required; inspection; denial.  

Latest version.
  • Any person intending to construct, reconstruct or alter the connection of any private driveway or road with any public way shall apply to the Board of Selectmen for a curb cut permit. The Selectmen shall cause an inspection to be made of the location of the connection by the Highway Superintendent. If, in the judgment of the Board of Selectmen, the proposed work may reduce the safety of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on the public way, alter the drainage of the public way in an undesirable manner or affect the integrity of the pavement or shoulders it may require that said person present plans showing the proposed connection in sufficient detail to permit the Selectmen to determine the adequacy of the proposed connection from the point of view of safety, drainage and construction. An application for a permit for a connection that the Board of Selectmen deems unsafe may be denied.